This guide will serve as a basic introduction to installing and using JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge (JPC).
See also Installation and Administration and API Usage pages for detailed description of administration and API use cases.
Find information for cases of other linux systems
postgreSQL 12 relational database for JPC versions starting from 5.0
availability of hstore extension of postgresql (e.g., contrib package)
Java11 runtime environment (starting from version 21.19). We support AdoptOpenJDK 11 as well. In the case of AdoptOpenJDK libfontconfig package must be included.
Download the latest version of PostgreSQL Cartridge from here. In order to install the latest version, change x.y (version information) in the following statement to the current one:
In CentOS or RedHat:
sudo yum localinstall jchem-psql-x.y.x86_64.rpm
In Debian:
sudo dpkg -i jchem-psql-x.y.x86_64.deb
Install your license file
Copy a valid Chemaxon license to /etc/chemaxon/license.cxl
. Required license in the license file is 'Postgres Cartridge'. The jchem-psql user should have read access to the license file.
Initialize index directory
sudo service jchem-psql init
{primary} If you encounter a problem in your java installation, set your
in the file/etc/default/jchem-psql
First start
sudo service jchem-psql manual-start
Create postgres user and database
sudo su postgres
createuser testuser
createdb testdb -O testuser
Install the extensions
psql testdb
testdb> CREATE EXTENSION chemaxon_type;
testdb> CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
testdb> CREATE EXTENSION chemaxon_framework;
Checking JChem-psql cartridge installation
If jchem-psql
service is running, the following query can be executed without any problem:
testdb> SELECT 'C'::Molecule('sample') |<| 'CC'::Molecule;
The service can be started/stopped using
sudo service jchem-psql manual-start
sudo service jchem-psql stop
By default, the service starts on system boot. This can be switched off by setting ENABLED=0 in the /etc/default/jchem-psql
CREATE TABLE table_name (structure_column_name MOLECULE('molecule_type_name'));
CREATE TABLE ttest (mol MOLECULE('sample'));
Import from sdf/mol file (located on your local machine):
et variable_name `cat sdf_file_name`
CREATE TABLE table_name AS
SELECT molSrc::molecule('molecule_type_name') AS (structure_column_name)[, props ->'sdf_field_name' AS column_name] FROM parse_sdf(:'variable_name');
et content `cat ~/a.sdf`
CREATE TABLE mysdftable AS
SELECT molSrc::molecule('sample') AS mol,
props -> 'Molformula' AS formula
FROM parse_sdf(:'content');
Import from local smiles/cxsmiles/smarts/cxsmarts files:
\COPY table_name (structure_column_name) FROM 'file_name' (FORMAT csv);
\COPY ttest(mol) FROM '/home/posgresuser/targetfiles/nci-pubchem_1m_unique.smiles' (FORMAT csv);
Indextype named sortedchemindex or chemindex has to be used when indexing a column that contains chemical structures.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name USING sortedchemindex(structure_column_name);
CREATE INDEX ttest_idx ON ttest USING sortedchemindex(mol);
Substructure search
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE 'query_structure' |<| structure_column_name;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?>
<cml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="ChemAxon file format v6.1, generated by v6.1.3">
<molecule molID="m1">
<atomArray atomID="a1" elementType="C" x2="3.4100000858306885" y2="3.740000009536743"/>
</cml>' |<| mol;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE 'c1ccccc1' |<| mol;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE '[#6]-[#6]' |<| mol;
Full fragment (exact fragment) search
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE query_transform('query_structure', 'ignoretetrahedralstereo') |<| structure_column_name;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE query_transform('C[C@H](n)C(O)=O', 'ignoretetrahedralstereo') |<| mol;
Superstructure search
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE 'query_structure' |>| structure_column_name;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE 'CCC' |>| mol;
Duplicate search
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE 'query_structure' |=| structure_column_name;
SELECT * FROM ttest WHERE 'CCC' |=| mol;